Japanese Snowball
Japanese snowball
It earned its status as an invasive relatively recently after being observed invading woodlands throughout the Northeast and Mid-west. However, it is only listed as an invasive species in three states: Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey.
Is Japanese snowball poisonous?
Like maple trees, the leaves of the snowball bush viburnum can turn reddish-orange in the fall, making it a perfect year-round landscape addition and specimen plant for spring or fall. This bush and its berries are non-toxic, but consuming large quantities of berries can cause stomach upset in some people.
Is Japanese snowball fast growing?
How Fast Do Snowball Bushes Grow? The tallest varieties of Viburnum grow up to two feet per year. Shorter dwarf varieties grow at a slower pace. When fully mature, the Snowball Bush will grow large, up to 12 tall and 15 feet wide.
Is Japanese snowball a hydrangea?
Although they look similar, snowball bush (Viburnum plicatum) and the snowball hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) are actually two different plants. The two are both deciduous shrubs with similar characteristics and some distinctions.
Where is the best place to plant snowball bushes?
Plant in full sun to part shade. While the Common Snowball Bush does well in some shade, about 6 hours of sun is ideal for best blooming. A well-draining and slightly acidic soil is ideal, but this hardy viburnum is adaptable to most soils.
Are snowball bushes poisonous to dogs?
According to The ASPCA's Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List, no viburnum species are listed as toxic to dogs.
Should snowball bushes be cut back?
A: The best time to prune a snowball bush, Viburnum macrocephalum, is after it finishes blooming and the white flowers have turned brown. Keep in mind that this shrub is naturally quite large. To keep it small, you'll have to prune it every year after flowering.
Do Japanese snowball lose their leaves?
Viburnum, also known as Snowball, is a diverse family of shrubs. There are varieties that remain green in winter, semi-evergreens and varieties that lose all their leaves. To compensate for that leaf loss, the bare branches bear sprays of pale pink flowers from November to March.
Do snowball bushes need sun or shade?
During the growing season, snowball bush viburnum has green leaves that provide a beautiful backdrop to the spring flower show. It's an easy-growing shrub that thrives in full sun to part shade.
Do snowball bushes come back every year?
macrophylla, H. paniculata and V. macrocephalum snowball bushes respond to complete renewal -- cutting the shrub to the ground -- but may take more than one season to resume heavy blooming. Annabelles will bloom as usual if cut to the ground during winter.
How long does a snowball bush stay in bloom?
Snowball bushes have their season, just like the lilacs. Ours will bloom for about three weeks in the late spring. Generally snowball bushes bloom from mid spring to early summer. When the lilacs are in full bloom our Vibernum opulus roseum is starting to form it's green blooms.
Do snowball bushes only bloom once a year?
The Chinese snowball viburnum (Viburnum macrocephalum) often flowers twice in a year, and the second flowering produces flowers in a classic “lacecap” appearance. The blooms from its first flowering are huge (4 – 8 inch), round white flowers, borne on the ends of branches, in April/May.
How big does a Japanese snowball bush get?
Topping out at 15 feet (5 m.), Japanese snowball trees might better be termed shrubs. Japanese snowball shrubs grow in a range of 8 to 15 feet (2-5 m.) for mature height, and a little larger for mature spread.
Can snowball hydrangeas take full sun?
Care & Sun Chinese Snowball Viburnum: This stunner will thrive in full sun to partial shade, though warmer climates might require additional shade in the afternoon. Prefers moist, well-drained soil.
How big does a Japanese snowball plant get?
At a mature height, they can reach the size of a small tree (around twelve to fifteen feet). All snowball bushes are hybrids (or cultivars) of the Viburnum opulus plant.
What month do snowball bushes bloom?
From April into May (and even early June in cooler climates), you'll be rewarded with spectacular, 8-inch blooms. These flowers start out lime green and then open to pristine white. Because the blooms are sterile, this viburnum does not produce fruit.
Does a snowball bush lose its leaves in winter?
In the southern end of its hardiness range, Chinese snowball is considered semi-evergreen, but for most gardeners, it is a fully deciduous shrub that loses its leaves in winter.
Do snowball bushes need lots of water?
The Snowball doesn't require a lot of upkeep, but if you want it to grow above and beyond, a regular watering schedule is important. If you're not sure when to water, check the surrounding soil with your finger, down to about 2 or 3 inches. If the soil is dry here, it's time to water your shrub.
What do you do with a snowball bush in the winter?
Pruning in late spring or early summer after new growth has appeared will remove potential flower buds. It's best to prune your snowball hydrangea to the ground in late winter so that strong new stems will grow and produce plenty of flower buds.
Are snowball bushes fragrant?
Perhaps our favorite of the fragrant cultivars, the Fragrant Snowball Viburnum, Viburnum carlcephalum, is prized for its intoxicating, fragrant white flowers that appear in 4 to 5 inch diameter snowball shaped clusters in spring.
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